Shortly before graduating from medical school, Mariana returns home to fulfill her father's promise to celebrate the greatest wedding ever in the...
A Wedding in Castañer
Based on the life of actress Rosaura Andreu.
An inspiring, realistic portrayal of a group of female workers struggling to keep their jobs at a doomed Puerto Rican cannery. The volatile...
Sudor amargo
Illustrates the events of the Ponce Massacre through the life of one of the victims, Ulpiano Perea.
Revolución en el infierno
Raised in New York, Marilyn Morales returns to Puerto Rico to claim an inheritance. Her obsession with Marilyn Monroe, dressing and acting like her,...
La gringa
An inside look at the play "El Grito de Lares: a moment in history", presented every year on the eve of the event. Includes interviews with the cast...
El Grito de Lares: un momento en la historia