A mockumentary dark comedy where a camera crew follows four hitmen who end up getting killed in the infamous Coda Teahouse Massacre.
Artists In Agony: Hitmen at the Coda Teahouse
A comedic spoof based on the worldwide phenomenon "The Twilight Saga."
Breaking Wind
Married or dating? Then you'll love this smart, snarky, hilarious but heartbreaking film about relationships, sex & love. Four couples gather for...
What Other Couples Do
Delightfully hilarious, yet mixed with great tenderness and humanism, All About Dad addresses the familiar theme of old world father vs. new world...
All About Dad
A 12 year old girl is determined to uncover who or what is behind the rash of disappearances occurring in her small town.
Let Us In
When Brooke discovers that her daughter Hailey isn't actually her biological daughter, their family is thrown into crisis as they realize Hailey was...
Deadly Daughter Switch