The Bates care for their severely disabled daughter Pattie. Martin arrives at their door claiming to be her college friend. He charms them into...
Brimstone and Treacle
A 30-year-old man, who has been in a coma since birth, is finally restored to consciousness by a breakthrough brain operation. Although physically an...
The Mind of Mr. Soames
The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe arrive on an unnamed planet. At first believing themselves in the midst of World War I, they realise it to be one of many...
Doctor Who: The War Games
A quick drink in the buffet before going home. Freddie's nerves are taking a hammering lately; the economy is in dire trouble and who can blame a...
At an end-of-term school play, Ozzie and his band join in with a hard rock contribution. However, this leads to the unexpected fame of the schoolboy...
Jumping Bean Bag
Three a.m. A crash of breaking glass ... the slow creak of a door opening ... is it a burglar? Raymond Collis finds out the hard way.
A Touch of the Tiny Hacketts