Inspired by a true incident, Shen Yu's debut OLD TOWN GIRLS tells a tale about how an unsustained economic boom desolates working-class communities...
The Old Town Girls
In Chengdu, China, a retired female opera singer named Master Chang takes in a trio of young tenants into her boarding home. The tenants include a...
Buddha Mountain
A look at modern-day life in China's capital centered on a ménage-a-quatre involving a young woman, her boss, her husband and her boss's wife.
Lost in Beijing
When Song Qi stumbles upon her boyfriend's affair with her best friend, her life quickly starts falling apart and she is subsequently drawn into a...
Double Xposure
This is the "Dunkirk" of the East, a documentary movie commemorating the great feat of Chinese fishermen. Filmmaker Fang Li and the film crew through...
The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru
When a son attempts to reconcile with his father, a series of fateful events allow him to experience the father's life in the past.