While trying to escape from her abusive boyfriend, Ágnes comes across a bridge where a stranger’s life is at risk. As their struggle...
Guy at the Bridge
Peti spends his last night in the country at a house party, where he experiences a special connection with someone.
Two security guards are holding a job interview in their downstairs office at a prominent club in Budapest while the Saturday night party is at full...
The Last Night - Beyond Good and Evil
Anna lives in a world where there are a few famous lesbian women, where God always listens to you, where beer treats beestings, and love is...
Dogs Do Not Eat Grass
Kata sets off to meet her boyfriend's parents for the first time, but stops after getting off the train. Is she really ready for their relationship...
Summer Day
A son tries to break the rules set by his father and stand up for himself.
The legendary Italian stage diva Eleonora Duse, through the latter part of her life and her legendary career is now long over.
Judit, a young woman in her twenties, has been working as a filmmaker for years, but her aspirations remain unfulfilled. Frustrated, she decides to...
Fresh air
Three girls that live in the same apartment struggle with boys' relationships. They swear to not deal with boys for some time but a mysterious boy...
Il giorno della patata
Schizo from Budapest
Left home alone one evening, a 12-year-old boy steals some live lobsters from his parents fridge. He brings these, as a gift, to the single mother of...
Lobster Dinner