The story of the young woman (Nancy), who is preparing to immigrate within days to join her family in Canada. During her remaining days in Egypt, she...
Within the framework of the drama, the events revolve around a doctor who seeks to stand by his friend who is suffering from cancer. The duo goes...
Why Live It Solo?!
Camelia and Sarah in the last spring of the eighties...their last days of innocence a story told twice by 2 different girls or rather 2 similar girls.
Spring '89
On a visit to a suburb of Cairo, Zahraa's daughter has a tragic accident, and the mother tries to help the daughter overcome the adversity and...
Between Two Seas
A woman who suffers from AIDS decides not to surrender to the fatal disease. She exerts huge efforts in trying to recover or by helping those who...
The story of a group of young intellectuals living in Egypt as friends, having a lot of ambition and joy, but with the beginning of the Iraq war , it...