Set during the background of the World War 2 Japanese surrender in 1945, the movie tells the tale of a lawless city where underworld crime runs...
The Coldest City
A retired bodyguard who has settled into a corner of the world where China, Russia and North Korea meet as he suffers from early dementia finds a new...
The Bodyguard
ONE DAY comprises 9 warm and inspirational stories, which describe the life and dreams of 9 different groups of disadvantaged children.
One Day
In 1868 during the late Qing Dynasty, rampant corruption on the Imperial Court inflicts much suffering in people's lives. For years, the Black...
Rise of the Legend
Chinese fantasy suspense detective film directed by Roy Chow
The Great Detective
Working in the morgue, a hardworking forensics expert and his assistant are suddenly accosted by masked intruders who demand access to a body...
Bodies at Rest
Yu Feng and Liang Liang's puppy gets gravely injured while defending them from the neighbour's large and aggressive Tibetan Mastiff. The arrogant...
Push and Shove
A morally bent detective has one of the worst days of his life after he tries to cover up an accidental crime.
Peace Breaker