This comedy of errors revolves around a hapless 30-year-old named Arturo. His penchant for indiscretions is as impossible to overlook as the finesse...
About Thirty
An image consultant helps a corrupt politician form a romantic attachment with a journalist who despises him.
Double Speech
A young writer sends secret love letters to her neighbor, whom she spies on her window every day. He reads and collects them until one day, lacking...
Love Will Come as a Forestal Fire
In the 1980s, a team of lawyers takes on the heads of Argentina's bloody military dictatorship in a battle against odds and a race against time.
Argentina, 1985
Fernando is on holiday with his closest male friends in a beautiful country house in a suburb of Buenos Aires. On their own without their girlfriends...
A couple, after having made love, embark on a journey into their memories and intimacy.
After spending 8 years in prison, former police officer Román Maidana returns to his childhood town and hallucinates a woman who seems to be...
La sombra del gallo