Benjamin, a 16-year-old with lousy grades, switches to a boarding school in order to eventually reach grammar school. Adjusting to his new...
Jessika, a precocious teenage girl with loving parents and a good-natured older sister, is the center of a slightly eccentric family. A series of...
Losing Balance
The holiday in Turkey with husband Philip and their three children ends fatally for Sabine Winter: Customs finds heroin in her bag.
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The adventures of three teenage girls - Inken, Vicky and Lena - and their quest to have their first orgasm.
Girls on Top
On her 16th birthday, Gwendolyn Shepherd finds out that instead of her cousin, she has inherited a rare gene that allows her to travel through time.
Ruby Red
Two 17-year-old pupils, Julia and Philip, are a successful beach volleyball team, and are to take part in a tournament in Mallorca. This is not easy...
Küssen verboten, baggern erlaubt
Rebecca comes from a good home, but still sees little sense in life. She feels left out from her father's new family, she's had an abortion, she's...
The Devil Who Called Himself God