In this award-winning documentary, directors Masri and Chamoun focus on the women who played a crucial role in fighting the Israeli invasion of...
Wild Flowers: Women of South Lebanon
Jake lives in the shadow of his dying grandfather, who was once the town's toughest hard man. Despite their hatred of each other, Jake's sole aim is...
Just a Boys' Game
The true story of Jimmy Boyle, who was reputed to be Scotland's most violent man.
A Sense of Freedom
Adolescents will always be obsessed by the same old subject, even when they are educated by nuns. Six ex-Classmates meet for the first time in 12...
Eve Set the Balls of Corruption Rolling
Frank, a young lad from Sheffield, leaves home to seek his fortune in London; he finds the big city not all what he had expected
The Adventures of Frank: Everybody's Fiddling Something
In his further adventures Frank finds success and unhappiness.
The Adventures of Frank: Seeds of Ice