A filmmaker finds creative freedom more elusive than he imagined in this ironic comedy-drama. Tired of the state-appointed producers and censorship...
In the southern region of Georgia, in ancient Meskheti, a young man, Giorgi Toreli, is appointed as the secretary of the Raikom. He aims at the...
O My Homeland!
Nodar, the man with a fickle character, leaves his wife and children in the village and goes to Kutaisi in search of his fortune. His friend Givi...
My Friend Nodar
A group of teenage boys from Tbilisi take a trip to Azerbaijan to buy drugs, and end up fighting in the Nagorno-Karabakh War, when they are captured...
A Trip to Karabakh
A young worker takes a job at a local state run winery only to discover and become disillusioned by the corruption of the Soviet State.
Falling Leaves
Setting Sun