Border Brujo is a ritual-linguistic journey across the U.S./Mexico border written and performed by artist Guillermo Gómez-Peña. In the...
Border Brujo
In these seven short video performances directed by Isaac Artenstein, Gómez-Peña confronts Mexican-American culture clashes,...
Son of Border Crisis
This DVD examines the multiple points of cultural contact between the United States and Mexico. From the Santa Barbara Fiestas and South Carolina's...
Film becomes a metaphor for lost history and its “negative“ impact on successive generations who look for stability in an electronic...
Seeing Is Believing
Like a ghost from the future, "El Mad Mex’" narrates this hybrid-genre video, which envisions a queue of mojados who re-conquer lost Mexican...
The Great Mojado Invasion, Part 2
In a search for the mythological Cities of Cibola, a horseman finds himself in a race against another rogue seeking the valuable metals of the New...
A Song Often Played on the Radio
A witty satire about cultural stereotyping. In a series of 1992 performances, Coco Fusco and performance co-creator Guillermo...
The Couple in the Cage
A Thanksgiving Ritual
Bizarre Thanksgiving Performance Ritual
Guillermo Gomez-Pena's Identity Ritual
Instant Identity Ritual