Jiaming, a free spirited teenager, has never taken school seriously. However, he is forced to confront his future when he flunks his O level exams...
That Girl in Pinafore
In an alternate timeline, Ken, Lobang and Wayang King are transferred to the Naval Diving Unit (NDU) and have to overcome obstacles and personal...
Ah Boys to Men 3: Frogmen
King of Mahjong centres on the decade-long feud and eventual reunion of Wong Tin Ba and Ah Fatt. 20 years later, Wong Tin Ba, who is now a...
King of Mahjong
Mr Unbelievable tells the story of Eric Kwek Hock Seng, who takes it upon himself to the symbol of national pride. As his Shifu’s Getai...
Mr. Unbelievable
“4Love” is a compilation of four stories revolving around love. In the first story, two young adults come into contact through a book...
Reality TV show "I Am Filial" has taken Singapore by storm with its $1-million prize money for the most filial contestant. The TV show is the...
Filial Party