A young woman wakes in the dead of night to a world devoid of sound. Yet, through the silence, she hears a mysterious call which draws her deep into...
Weee Wooo
18th century justice catches up with a pair of grave robbers. With only a few hours to go before his date with the guillotine, Arthur Blake tells his...
I Sell the Dead
A young college student who’s struggling financially takes a strange babysitting job which coincides with a full lunar eclipse. She slowly...
The House of the Devil
Three young ad-men enter the woods for a photo shoot, but a girlfriend's mysterious disappearance sparks a harrowing descent into unreality.
I Can See You
Inspired by true events...The story of three hunters who mysteriously became the hunted.
Trigger Man
Patty Cauldron, wife of noted food critic Nemo Cauldron, has become dissatisfied with her increasingly boring life as the wife of a food connoisseur....
The Woman Who Split Before Dinner