The story of the ill-fated second wife of the English king Henry VIII, whose marriage to the Henry led to momentous political and religious turmoil...
Anna Boleyn
Rupp (Jannings) is a former butcher, made rich in the meat packing industry as a result of the reversal of fortunes brought on by WWI. He is crude,...
All for Money
Auguste is an aging prostitute who falls in love with Felix, a younger student. While Felix has strayed away from his parents, Auguste starts taking...
Tragedy of the Street
A aristocratic lieutenant is forced to resign his commission and give up his career in the cavalry after having defended himself against deliberate...
The Master of Death
In the last years of his life, Bavarian king Ludwig II (1845 – 1886) devotes himself to ambitious architectural projects, which strain the...
Ludwig II, King of Bavaria
a silent movie by Robert Wiene
Die Geliebte
Der Bastard
Lady Godiva
Weib in Flammen
Staatsanwalt Jordan