Our protagonist races against time and space to deliver a cure to their partner. Created in under 48hrs for the Calgary Underground Film Festival...
A Piece Of You In Time
'Tis a tale of ass-kicking martial art, betrayal, anger, vengeance, fury, and rage. Created in under 48hrs for the Okotoks International Film...
Rage And Redemption: A Quarrel Of Morality
A father reads his child a bedtime story about a day of revenge he had. Created in under 48hrs for the Calgary Underground Film Festival 2024
Claudius has grown ill and it's up to his best friend Kyle to embark on a journey to finding the doctor that can save his life.
Mark and Steph attempt to push their roommate Robin to get out and meet someone in the hopes he'll move out.
A rambunctious adolescent's reality starts to melt on Halloween night. Winner of Best use of Genre at the Okotoks 24hr Horror Film Festival 2024.
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