After again attempting to commit murder, a Jewish man with a mysterious past and extraordinary intelligence, charisma, and body control returns to an...
Adam Resurrected
A rap opera that takes place in the world of film noir - on a stormy night Sarah Bennett arrives at Detective Joe's investigation office. She asks...
The City
Knitting Kids - The Very Best
Scientist Joe Hartman introduces self-proclaimed Middle Eastern psychic Uri Geller to America.
Balding advertising executive Mr. Baum spends more time on a new ad campaign for purple sunglasses than he does with his own family. But suddenly he...
Mr. Baum
Directed by Arnon Zadok.
White Night
Franny is seven years old. Franny's mother's new boyfriend is 26 year old Nico, an aspiring filmmaker who couldn't even finish his graduation film....
10% My Child
Is today's fanaticism tomorrow's policy? In a West Bank settlement, Rabbi Meltzer has a grand design: he's building a movement "to pray at the Temple...
Time of Favor
Dutton Hatfield, played by Jeff Speakman, is working for the American embassy. He finds himself inside a biochemical weapon laboratory when...
Deadly Outbreak
Sima Vaknin is a widow who wants to build a small residantial unit in her backyard but meets a strong resistance from her neighbor Wasserman. Sima...
Sima Vaknin A Witch
Itai Gal is on a funny, sad and strange journey of self discovery, and dives with a lot of humor and absurdity into difficult topics such as sexual...
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