Four individuals from different parts of India board a US-bound flight. However, they are stuck in an unfortunate situation as the flight is hijacked...
Yun Hota To Kya Hota
The film tells the tale of Mumbai city and the millions who get off the train at VT station at every second of the day, hoping to latch on to the...
Ek Tho Chance
The story of a Parsi boy's view of his community in modern day Mumbai.
Little Zizou
In the heart of a crime-ridden city, a street-smart ex-cop turned private investigator is reluctantly drawn into a dangerous web of corruption and...
Screw Dheela
Two college boys from diverse backgrounds believe that since time is on their side, anything is possible. Consequently, their arrogance leads them to...
Dil Dosti Etc
In New York, a Pakistani native finds that his American Dream has collapsed in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The Reluctant Fundamentalist
Gundeep and Nikhat are making a documentary on the government-based project of psycho women who killed several kids with her daughters. Prajakta...
Posham Pa
A royal prince arrives on an island of fascist rule and inspires a rebellion among its women in this hallucinogenic adaptation of a classic play.
The Land of Cards