Having lost an arm in the explosion he caused while attempting to bring his recently deceased mother back to life, Chris Burst, a young laboratory...
Vacuum Killer
Afterman III: The Global Warming Disaster
The Year is 2012. Bin Laden is a political refugee in Brussels. Somehow, helped by the criminal underworld he becomes President of Europe. Europe,...
Afterman 2
After losing his wife, a young man unable to put up with the pain, sinks into schizophrenia. As of this moment, the world, now seen through the...
A building contractor and his spouse are driven apart by financial worries. Tony is an energetic personality well on in his 30s, presuming upon...
The Aardwolf
The feature-length documentary "Forgotten Scares" goes back to the birth of Flemish horror in the '70s and shines a bright light on the future of...
Forgotten Scares: An In-depth Look at Flemish Horror Cinema