When Wendy Shuman (Kelly Maguire) returns to Los Angeles after a year away at a New York college, family shenanigans mark her homecoming in this...
Hunting for black holes is a dangerous business and it's only getting deadlier. In this sequel to BackSpace, we find Hunter stepping through the...
BackSpace Returns
Hunting for blackholes is a dangerous business. Adventurers, Explorers and anyone trying to find their fortune, will kill, and face danger in...
Regional stoner comedy
Joint Adventure
One evening, a traveler knocked upon the door of three brothers. Asking for a place to stay, as he has nowhere else to go, he offers them his magic...
The Umbrella Factory
As we follow the infamous killer on one of his evenings, we enter a world somewhere between Sin City and the opening titles of Mad Men.
Jack the Ripper
Trixie explains to Forky what a computer does as they experience the common stresses of technology.
Forky Asks a Question: What Is a Computer?
In this thrilling conclusion to the BackSpace Trilogy, we find Hunter and Rival must team up to survive the outer reaches of BackSpace. After...
BackSpace Forever