An adaptation of the successful stage musical based on Victor Hugo's classic novel set in 19th-century France. Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for...
Les Misérables
This concert, recorded to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the landmark musical Les Miserables, gathers the casts of the show's 2010 original...
Les Misérables: 25th Anniversary in Concert
A couple affected by the contaminated blood scandal face a difficult decision when an offer of life-saving treatment threatens their dreams for the...
What We Wished We Could Be
A priest with a haunted past and a novice on the threshold of her final vows are sent by the Vatican to investigate the death of a young nun in...
The Nun
Inspired by the book, The Man Who Fell To Earth, Lazarus focuses on Thomas Newton, as he remains still on Earth - a 'man' unable to die, his head...
BKLYN The Musical is a story within a story. On the outside you have a troupe of street performers who are sharing a story from their lives, using it...
BKLYN The Musical
Sarah and Sam seem like the perfect couple, but when Sarah gets her big break as an actress, Sam questions whether he's good enough for her. But then...
The Colour of Spring