In this sword-and-sorcery extravaganza, a group of marauding Knights Templar suffers a curse that transforms them into monsters, driving them to...
Dragon Crusaders
Hunted by raiders, a band of crusading knights escort the holy grail through a valley of black death where they must hack and slash their way to...
Knight of the Dead
Two powerful female warriors must journey across a post-apocalyptic land to fight a ritual duel, and fulfill an ancient prophecy.
Notorious gangster, Pat Tate, rises through the ranks of Essex's criminal underworld. A prequel to the 'Rise of the Footsoldier' franchise.
Rise of the Footsoldier 3: The Pat Tate Story
A young gladiator enslaved in the Roman arena in 171 A.D. escapes by chariot towards the freedom of Hadrian's Wall. Fighting centurions and...
In the Name of Ben-Hur
After an accident, Tom wakes from a coma to discover that fragments of his smart phone have been embedded in his head, and worse, that returning to...
On the dark streets of Draiga, a mining colony occupied by the Visray Empire, lives Azura, the last of a fearsome warrior race known as the Sarnians....
Babes with Blades
When Police kicks open the doors of the elite underground fight club Knuckledust, they find seven levels of hell, filled with the dead bodies of...