The story revolves with Pura, (Melai) who plays the comedic role of a bubbly, caring, kind-hearted, very hardworking “dakilang ate” who...
The Adventures of Pureza - Queen Of The Riles
The episode is a retelling of the urban legend about the human-snake hybrid said to live underneath Robinsons Galleria. Troy's wife Adela is locked...
A snake creature secretly lurks inside a shopping mall. A family is fed a meal that turns them into monsters. An airplane hijacking is interrupted by...
Shake, Rattle & Roll XV
Years after their college relationship fell apart, Jojo and Ellise meet again, but Jojo is already engaged to Racquel so Ellise decides to contain...
You're Still The One
Jane, a die-hard fan, wants to win tickets to Billy Fernandez's concert. To do this she must answer the question, "What would you do if it was the...
24/7 In Love
It tells the story of Marlon a pathetic student but excellent in class who is regularly picked-on by his classmates and even cyber-violated by using...
Larong Bata
Three women with totally different lives accidentally get their souls switched as they struggle with the comedic misadventures of their new worlds,...
Momshies! Your Soul is Mine