Jean Michaut is a bargeman who lives nearby an old barge cemetery named "Bras-Mort". He is in love with Monique, the daughter of a wealthy boat...
The Lovers of Bras-Mort
A merchant, without audacity with women, is dragged by a friend into the worst marital complications. His setbacks will ultimately pay him off.
Noël Rambert is overwhelmed by fate. Marthe, his wife, has left him. His son, little Jacques, sickly and touching, has psychic gifts. Life is...
Le Petit Jacques
How a weak priest, armed up with love, a hat, an umbrella and a breviary became the regiment's champ.
My Priest, Champion of the Regiment
A group of inhabitants from Ferté-sous-Jouarre decide to spend their jackpot on a three day trip to Paris.
Trois jours de bringue à Paris
The Baroness de Courtebise presides over an association of mothers-in-law with grievances against their sons-in-law. Armed with her prerogatives, she...
The Congress of Mother-in-Laws
A young French, Vignerte, is hired in the court of Lautenberg, an imaginary land, as the young Prince's private teacher and as the Grand Duchess'...