A love letter to Hollywood and Broadway musicals of the past. While participation in a scientific experiment, a young woman falls through a wormhole...
Adventures Into the Woods: A Sexy Musical
A blind man seeks revenge against the psychopath who took away his sight and slaughtered his wife and daughter. Eight years after the massacre, the...
Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf
When a mysterious loner and Karate master Kenji's little sister goes missing in Los Angeles, whoever stands in his way of finding her will face the...
Karate Kill
In a post apocalyptic world where vampires and witches rule, a male vampire falls in love with a human man, and wants to make him immortal.
The Brides of Sodom
Cryptic fortune cookie messages become death omens for a group of friends.
Fortune Cookie
When terrorists plant a bomb on a commercial flight, the passengers aboard the plane must fight to keep the plane in the air and all the passengers...
The Fast and the Fierce
Emmanuelle arrives in Las Vegas where she is abducted and asked by the military to help them with a device that allows people to travel to alternate...
Emmanuelle Through Time: Emmanuelle's Skin City
Emmanuelle and her crew face sexual spirits. Let the spirit take you on a fascinating and erotic adventure.
Emmanuelle Through Time: Emmanuelle's Supernatural Sexual Activity