This film involves three interwoven stories with the only seeming connection being the delusions of the involved leads. In the first element of the...
Fame Whore
A pretentious underground filmmaker struggles with his masterpiece while a scuzzy punkoid chick tries to keep her band from fading into obscurity.
In this sequel, Lillian has been adopted and it's several years later. Annie, married and pregnant, visits her fellow doctor friend, Dr. Owen. Dr...
Love Finds A Home
Based on the true stories of 3 people who where murdered in Bangor, Maine in the 1980's. Charlie Howard (who was also the inspiration for Stephen...
The Death of Dottie Love
A tall and torrid story BUILT FOR ENDURANCE is an experimental short film based on a true story about a violent gay hustler and his so-called...
Built for Endurance
A tale of two teens: Violet an actress wandering through the years of her career with remarkable ease and media attention despite her lack of an...
V Is for Violet
Todd Verow’s long lost first feature shot on a PXL Fisher Price kid’s video camera (which recorded black and white, high contrast,...