Jennifer Montgomery tracks down three old friends (Joe Westmoreland, Lisa Cholodenko, and Todd Haynes) who borrowed and never returned pieces of her...
Notes on the Death of Kodachrome
Made in collaboration with Keith Sanborn, The Deadman is based on a story by Bataille, charting "the adventures of a near-naked heroine who sets in...
The Deadman
Martina plays on her own and with her mother, Jennifer talks, stock footage of flowers is talked over.
Martina's Playhouse
Jennifer, an intelligent but insecure 14-year-old student at a boarding school, seduces her married dormitory counselor, a photographer who has...
Art for Teachers of Children
An autobiographical examination of the director's rape at gunpoint nine years prior.
Home Avenue
Like a generation of viewers, I was profoundly affected by Deliverance. But I have always been troubled by the hegemonic structures of gender...
A ramshackle underground SF satire set and shot in the self-absorbed art world of lower Manhattan, written, produced, and directed by Joe Gibbons,...
The Genius