It tells the story of three siblings namely Jep, Shuib and Mamat who lost their parents. Yet despite the absence of the parents, they are left with a...
Lemang Aidilfitri Si Bujang Sepah
Bujang Sepah Lalalitamplom tells the story of the emergence of an entrepreneur and owner of a Property Holder Company named Tuan Abdul Kibas played...
Lalalitamplom Si Bujang Sepah
Based on the group Sepah, "Sepah The Movie" stars its three members as three single men who work in an electronic factory near their village who are...
Sepah The Movie
Sam and Mun work with their mother, Mama San as poultry suppliers at the market. However, Sam and Mun's habit of stealing constantly brings trouble...
O.M.K (Oh Mak Kau!)
Sofazr, a group of musicians from Malaysia star in their very own movie directed by Tauke Raja Lawak dan Isma Af7. The film is a comedy horror about...
Sofazr The Movie: Jiwa Kacau
A funny comedy about 3 trio. Jepp, Shuib and Mamat from Sepah.
Dodol Si Bujang Sepah
Yes sir Has 2 sons are somewhat lazy, Jep and Shuaib always up late and rarely help the housework. One night the two boys had seen their father in a...
Sepahtu Kepok Bonda
Synopsis of the Tele film of the Year. Tells Jep, the head of the naughty boys in the village. One day in the month of Ramadan, as usual, he has done...
Sepahtu Kisah Tauladan
Jep and Shuib scolded Mamat for his stubborn attitude who keeps disturbing their neighbor which is also Jep and Shuib's dream girl. As a result of...
Sepahtu Mercun Raya
A despatch (Jep) lures a rich man's son (Aleysa) with a strategy arranged by Jep's father (Ebby Yus). This story shows how Jep and Jep's father set...
Sepahtu Cinta Plastik