The story begins with a woman traveling on a train, disoriented and with amnesia. While the protagonist, we will discover the hell that has...
Estado de Regresión
After a tragic accident, a video editor is obsessed with her work to the point of not being able to differentiate between the real and the digital...
Undo Infinito
After the death of his mother, 12-year-old Moritz begins to act in ways that distress the aunt he is living with, so she packs him off to Spain to be...
Don Quixote
Young people talk in a a coffee shop; seven characters, seven chats, seven different points of view about love, sex and relationships. The point of...
Seven Coffees a Week
A group of young amateurs participants in chats begin a risky game, attracted by the mysterious personality of a surfer. In one of these adventures,...
You Shouldn't Be Here
A new app that allows people to contact the dead has some surprises.