Chaska- An Addiction is a movie based on crime. The story revolves around Rani and Vicky who are in love. Vicky decides to call his father on his...
Chaska: An Addiction
Ravi Verma is an efficient and sincere C.B.I officer, He always stands against all anti-social elements who are trying to destruct the peace and...
Arjun Poojari lives in a small village in Central India with his mom, dad, & an unmarried sister. The entire village is grateful to Bade Thakur...
Arjun Devaa
Kaala Mandir is a story of an innocent girl who forced to work in the in the sex trade and when she runs away she is raped by her madams goons. A...
Kaala Mandir
A 1999 Indian horror film.
Shaitan Tantrik