The Sound of Jazz is an historic episode from the "Seven Lively Arts" anthology series featuring jazz greats in concert. Hosted by John Crosby, it...
The Sound of Jazz
In this short film, prominent jazz musicians of the 1940s gather for a rare filming of a jam session. This highly stylized chronicle features tenor...
Jammin' the Blues
“A tribute to the Swing Era evoked by skillful intercutting of rare material examining the varying fortunes of five ex-Basie sidemen. It looks...
Born to Swing
Crime comedy.
Policy Man
The relationship between an aspiring dancer and a popular songstress provides a retrospective of the great African-American entertainers of the early...
Stormy Weather
Set at the 1958 Newport Jazz Festival, this documentary mixes images of water and the town with performers and audience. The film progresses from day...
Jazz on a Summer's Day