Four young women are participating on Idole Instantanée, a reality show produced by Omni Global, in which a complete stranger turns into a...
Shooting Star
Marie, incapable of choosing between three marriage proposals, decides to give up. Circumstances mean that the three men meet. Far from being...
L'homme idéal
La légende du sapin de Noël
It seems that Canada don't want to hear about their heroes of the two World Wars, especially in Quebec. In English, La Guerre oubliée means...
The Forgotten War
A tribute to the Quebec population who are fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic. Several artists are participating in this outpouring of solidarity...
Une chance qu'on s'a
Witness the return on stage of three artists adored by the public: Joe Bocan, Marie Carmen and Marie Denise Pelletier. The three performers are...
Pour une histoire...