Young Mary Rainey takes the reins of her deceased father's failing circus. With the help of the Inimitable Smiley Johnson, she hopes to bring fortune...
Rain or Shine
The story is set on opening day of the 1929 season and Joe wants to see the Yankees play. So, he manages to sneak inside. Once there, instead of...
At the Ball Game
Joe Cook (Joe Cook) is a gymnasium owner and boxing promoter who is working to build up prizefighter George the Greek (George Givot) as the next...
The White Hope
When the owner of a department store is about to go on vacation, he tells his children that any idiot could run the store. So they put Joe Cook in...
Penny Wise
In this short film from Educational Pictures, comic Joe Cook plays the title character, Joe Widget. It begins with Widget receiving an award as the...
Mr. Widget
When Sue Bixby becomes his new boss, stagecoach robber Talbot reforms and goes after her rustled cattle.
Arizona Mahoney
Joe gets a job as a newspaper reporter and is sent to the jail to interview a notorious gangster the police have just captured. The gangster steals...
A Nose for News