In this third installment of the "Olga" series, our heroine adds jewel smuggling to her repertoire of dope pushing and white slavery. As the vicious...
Olga's House of Shame
An examination of the "go-go" scene, including topless dancers and strippers, in Washington, DC, and Baltimore, Maryland.
Way Out Topless
The beautiful, brutal Olga procures prostitutes and pushes heroin for the syndicate, confining and torturing her pretty victims in a private dungeon...
White Slaves of Chinatown
Ruthless narcotics dealer and white slavery ring leader Olga keeps her harem of girls in line by hooking them on addictive drugs. Olga suspects an...
Olga's Girls
This exploitation classic purports to expose the secrets of the 1960s lesbian underworld.
Chained Girls
An American karate student in Japan searches for the sister of his friend and mentor.
Karate, the Hand of Death
Four girls in search of thrills find more than they bargained for when they get caught in a vice trap with no escape.
Watch the Birdie
A television producer helps a woman assaulted on the waterfront and takes her to his apartment to recover, where she recounts her recent adventures...
All of Me
Cut-n-paste job masquerading as a "documentary" on toplessness, feauring a strip routine by Tempest Storm that was filmed nearly two decades before.
Paris Topless
Faux-mondo movie featuring sex, drugs, violence and the familiar dulcet tones of Joel Holt.
It's a Sick, Sick, Sick World
Famed crime photographer Arthur Fellig, nicknamed Mr. Wee Gee, stars as himself in this pseudo-documentary that begins when he falls in love with a...
The 'Imp'probable Mr. Wee Gee
The story of three women and the circumstances that led each to get involved in prostitution as call girls.
The Hookers
The Soul Snatcher short film
The Soul Snatcher
Cut-n-paste pseudo-documentary about the history of censorship in cinema and the changing mores of the '60s, comprised mostly of footage from the...
World of Obscenity
A detective searching for the heiress to a large fortune trails her to various nudist camps around the world.
The Shameless