A fighter pilot travels back in time to save the future world from environmental disaster, but a side-effect turns her young again and no-one takes...
Captain Nova
Indy's (Bibi) slimy adventure continues as a mysterious slime stone with magical powers suddenly appears from outer space. When the evil Xenia Kobalt...
The Unlimited Slime Movie
When the obsessive influencer Florian takes too many selfies he becomes transparent and has to struggle to keep his beloved followers.
A young woman finds herself at a crossroads as she spends an intimate weekend with a stranger she falls for on her bachelorette night.
Only You
During a meditative dance session in the Dutch dunes an ill woman becomes completely absorbed in her own memories and reflects on her choice not to...
After restaurant owner Chang dies, the whole town of Obdam is in deep mourning for 'their Chinese'. The always loyal Yung Ling (34) is forced to keep...
Happy Palace
Christmas is a time of getting together. Of fun and love. A time of Santa Claus and shopping for decorations. In the run-up to their annual Christmas...
This Is Not a Christmas Movie
The imaginative Bo (9) lives as the only child in a street full of extroverted adults, who think she is quiet. Her parents try to include her in the...