After withdrawing to the Chateau Marmont, a passionless Hollywood actor reexamines his life when his eleven-year-old daughter surprises him with a...
It is the story of a young woman who starts to lose her sanity while mourning over her sister's death.
The true story of Neil and Ivan McCormick, two Irish brothers who attempt to become rock stars but can only look on as their high school friends U2...
Killing Bono
Released from prison with terminal cancer, Max tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter and the grandson he’s never known. When his...
Prisoner's Daughter
In the 80s, a roadie named Viena travels with the Fantomes, a post punk band on tour through the American west. When the band has the possibility of...
Viena and the Fantomes
In 1982 Beirut, the war, up to that point political, becomes an internal family struggle when Jamila discovers her brother's secret queer...
Beirut... Hide and Seek
After a series of Hollywood flops, famed director Harris Chappell (Jeffrey Tambor) returns to New York to relaunch his Broadway career. But...
Meeting Spencer