The official documentary based on the New York Times best-selling book The Harbinger answers these questions and more. The Harbinger Decoded is a...
The Harbinger Decoded
This riveting documentary based on Jonathan Cahn’s New York Times bestselling book The Mystery of the Shemitah reveals the seven-year mystery...
The Mystery of the Shemitah: Unlocked
An obscure passage in the Book of Isaiah describing the fall of ancient Israel has, since September 11, 2001, been eerily re-enacted in the United...
The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment
What is the life story of Jonathan Cahn, known as "The Harbinger Man" and a Messianic Rabbi? How did Cahn rise from relative obscurity to worldwide...
The Harbinger Man
Is it possible that what has happened to the United States and the world, from COVID-19 to 9/11, are part of an ancient mystery? Is it a warning?...
The Harbingers of Things to Come