Sai, a young artist living in a downtown warehouse delves into an ancient world of blood and lust. An enigmatic foreigner seduces her to try a long...
A group of women wake up in a cold cement basement. Drugged and terrified they find themselves captive to a depraved psychopath whose blood-lust and...
A Darker Reality
An Oakland widower's thirst for justice is rekindled when a local killing is oddly similar to his wife's unsolved murder from decades ago.
A woman fleeing a dystopian city forms a connection with someone she cannot touch.
The Volunteer
Tragedy strikes a small town's monster movie festival when the monster featured in the films comes to life.
Set in the not so distant future, in Any Town USA, sixteen-years-old Herman Howards makes a fateful decision. He enters his suburban school and kills...
Hello Herman
A lonely Singaporean death row guard tries to help a young Australian convicted of drug trafficking accept her fate despite a bizarre contradiction -...
A Better Place Than This
The world has finally managed to blow itself up and only Australia has been spared from nuclear destruction and a gigantic wave of radiation is...
On the Beach