An unofficial prequal to the 1974 hit movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. While recovering from the loss of someone close, Jimmy's friends bring him...
The Sawyer Massacre
A community of fairy tale characters live in hiding from the human world in New York City. But when one Fable's identity is exposed, an old ally must...
An old man divides his time between sitting with his dying wife and monitoring the visits between a 6 year old girl and her wayward father who has a...
The Pro Bono Watchman
Jessica Cutler is a small-town journalist sent to cover the grand opening of a controversial new church. As the church digs its roots into the town...
Nothing But the Blood
When a shut-in dies alone and returns as a housebound ghost, he finds himself at the mercy of a world that didn’t even notice he was gone.
Home Body
A simple a story of revenge. But it doesn't have to be. There's an alternate universe of possibilities and we never know what the world will bring...