Before follows a group of not-yet-humans in an eerie and exhausting waiting room. Like an eternal DMV visit, every visitor in this room has waited...
Jeannie is a dark, self-destructive, closeted 17-year-old West L.A. girl. She has to navigate school, friends, her first romance with a girl, and...
Me Three
A laid-back millennial feels anything but relaxed after an unexpected diagnosis keeps her away from the four things she loves the most: alcohol,...
Just Those Four Things
A young Broadway actress becomes a lead star after witnessing a secretive death of the main actor. Withholding the truth from others, she seems to...
Night-Blooming Cereus
Archaeologist Alabama Channing sets off to uncover the ancient tomb of Quin Shi Haung, which promises riches and answers to family mysteries.
Tomb Invader
A westernized desi girl is ambushed by her parents with an arranged marriage.
Arranged Marriage