In the slums of the upper West Side of Manhattan, tensions are high as a gang of Polish-Americans compete against a gang of recently immigrated...
West Side Story
In this costume epic, the last days of Julius Caesar are chronicled.
Rome Wants Another Caesar
A wealthy widow, a restless housewife, and a former model seek to reshape themselves through cosmetic surgery to please the men in their lives.
Mirror, Mirror
The master, telling a lot of love or erotic oriental tales, teaches the secrets of the most natural, complete and satisfactory copulation.
Codice d'amore orientale
Barbara gets secret plastic surgery in Switzerland in an attempt to save her marriage to Mark, but he doesn't seem interested in meeting her. She...
Ash Wednesday
Chad Gates has just been discharged from the Army, and is happy to be back in Hawaii with his surf-board, his beach buddies and his girlfriend.
Blue Hawaii