A young princess is the subject of a tug-of-war among witches, as each struggles to find the suitable antidote to a death sentence inculcated by an...
The Sleeping Beauty
"Royan la Rage" is the crossed portrait of a family facing his visceral need to desire. André, the father, has no more wishes. To feel free to...
Raging Royan
Tchernobyl, 1986, a few hours before the disaster. Piotr and Anya's wedding is interrupted by a fire at the power station.
Land of Oblivion
The day she turns twenty-five, Sophie goes for a meal in a restaurant with her father. He is worried about his daughter’s future. As a good...
Service compris
“You have a gift. Down here, your gift is useless. So we’re gonna show you the most beautiful things. You’re gonna have more...
In one Paris divided militarily into two like was the former Berlin Est-Ouest, Ines Raymond receives from the right bank people who ask for a visa...
Michele and Helene seem to be the perfect couple. However, on weekends, Michele steps into a secret life, as a transvestite, Mylene, in a hidden...
Summer Nights