The duo Alexander “Alex” Haller and Nikolai “Niko” Falk are investigating a kidnapping case in Grinzing, where the...
Blind ermittelt: Tod im Weinberg
Due to a broken getaway car, three Russian jewel thieves are forced to take shelter in an empty Viennese coffee house. They knock out the waiter and...
Carnival of Waiters
The investigation into the death of a young woman who was drugged with knockout drops and raped leads the Graz duo to Leoben.
Three generations of Austrian men find themselves, for a brief moment, living under the same roof on a small farm in this haunting portrait of aging,...
Josef, Markus, Julian
Barely 22, Franz Klammer finds himself at the “eye of the storm” when he shows up for the men’s downhill competition at the 1976...
Chasing the Line