A road movie that shows the simple things in life in a poetic light through the eyes of three young people with Down syndrome, who love movies and...
Luccas Neto, his sister Gi and their friends Vitória, Pedro and Jéssi had no idea what was to come on the school trip. When Luccas...
Os Aventureiros: A Origem
Diogo's 20th high school class reunion is coming up, and although he's married, sees it as an opportunity to hook up with his high school crush who...
The immature and cheap douche bag Fábio Clóvis marries the pseudo-intellectual Miá and they travel in a cruise to Europe on...
Meu Passado Me Condena: O Filme
After another day at work, Virgílio turns on the answering machine at home and hears a disturbing message. It's a message from Clara,...
Maybe a Love Story
André is a young doctor who, after spending a year working in Africa, discovers that he has been exchanging letters not with his long-time...
Suspension Points
Chico e Amigos
Manual Prático da Melhor Idade