In Rio de Janeiro, after an altercation with his father and mother, a young man named Bebeto kills his family and goes to a movie theater, where he...
Killed the Family and Went to the Movies
Check out the hilarious story of luck and misadventures of Tino, a family man whose life is transformed after he wins the lottery. Dazzled by wealth,...
Till Luck Do Us Part
O Crime e o Burguês
Writer Sílvio Proença needs to travel to São Paulo in order to promote his new book. At the airport, he meets a group of old...
The Naked Man
The rock singer Duda forces his record label to make a video-clip in Cabo Frio to release his new album. The director Rago travels with his...
Already famous, at the top of his career, owner of his own school of etiquette, Crô sees himself alone and without a family. Lonely and...
Crô em Família
The heroes of Golden Oldies 1— Juca, PR, and Montanha — are back, following different routes. Montanha lives in an old mansion and gets...
Golden Oldies 2
The film tells the story of an intuitive, adventurous man who loved his country and being Brazilian. This man fought to be loyal to himself. His...
Villa-Lobos: A Life of Passion
Based on the classic Brazilian television series that conquered audiences during Sunday night prime time on TV Globo, with improv that happens like...
Sai de Baixo: O Filme
A group of eccentric people gather at a popular bar in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro.
Bar Esperanza
O Sol dos Amantes
A public relations man is invited to guide an American millionaire during his stay in Rio de Janeiro. He gets involved in the most bizarre...
Rio Babilonia
A Casa de Banho de Dom João