After his father faces financial struggles, 12-year-old Max is forced to shut down the pawn shop he operates from his garage and move to a small...
Coco Farm
At 17, Jérémie dreams of a better place, far from the family sawmill and his native village in Bas-Saint-Laurent. The situation...
The Sound of Trees
A peculiar neighbor offers hope to a recent widow who is struggling to raise a teenager who is unpredictable and, sometimes, violent.
On a stormy summer night, Mathieu walks in on his parents. Horrified, he shares his disturbing discovery with his friends on a fishing trip and...
Eye for an eye
Une vie qui commence
After the sudden death of her mother, Aurore Gagnon is abused by her disturbed step-mother as her town remains in the silence followed by her death....
Chaos ensues after global warming transforms a working-class Montreal neighborhood into a world Mecca for truffles.
Henri was raised by religious in a convent and lived with them until the women, now elders, moved, leaving him alone. Henri fixes lamps. Since his...
Henri Henri
A female Neuroscience Researcher develops a rare form of melophobia after receiving an unsolicited portable media player loaded with music for...