The peaceful world of a monastery, in a small town Jasmine, is destroyed by the arrival of monument restorers, Natasha, along with her daughter...
10-year-old Magda loses her younger brother. The father is deeply grieved, the mother is cold and unavailable. Magda decides to revive Marcel and has...
The sisters struggle with their own bodies. One, driven by ambitions, seeks the limits of its possibilities, for the other, the body is a prison. One...
Feast of Fire
An upstarting film production is abruptly cancelled by the financiers. But the director tries anyway to realize his movie.
Worst Case Scenario
When a girl's body is found on a beach in Poland's Tricity, a prosecutor teams up with the victim's mother on an impassioned quest for the truth.
Colors of Evil: Red
Antoni Krauze reminds one of the darkest history of the cards with PRL. Spectacular reconstruction of the dramatic events in Gdynia, ended a brutal...
Black Thursday
The story of one of the most colourful actresses of the Coast. During fifty years of artistic activity she played over two hundred roles.
Krystyna Łubieńska. The Remembrance