The protagonist is a woman (Hiroko Yakushimaru) who is a sales manager at the Japanese branch of a famous French shoe brand. The protagonist is...
Fan of Hong Kong star
Hoping to land a role, two Japanese actresses begin a fight within their apartment that keeps escalating.
On September 9th, the day of the Katakai Fireworks Festival, high school student Hana comes home from the hospital after six months of treatment for...
Fireworks from the Heart
A tale of delinquent and lazy school girls. In their efforts to cut remedial summer math class, they end up poisoning and replacing the school's...
Swing Girls
A humanoid robot deliverywoman muses on the mystery of human nature as she drops off parcels around the galaxy.
The Whispering Star
Kuramochi Bon works at a fast food burger joint, taking out the garbage. All his life he has been told he is ugly, and has never even held hands with...
Cinderella ni Naritai
Story teller Kinya Aikawa serves as a guide in this horror drama series, which is presented in an omnibus format with two stories each based on the...
Mystery Experience Zone: Really Scary Stories: Ghost Photos sent to you & Ghost Detectives