Fucked is a comedic short film that tells the story of Ruben. Up in his thirties, he is trying to settle down with his boyfriend Ditlev. However,...
When her best friend Jojo falls in love and moves on from their wild dating adventures in Berlin, Paula does everything she can to sabotage her...
For Jojo
When Nora decides to send her sister, Rose, a suicide video, her sister quickly invites her on a healing trip to a remote forest. But what Rose...
Rotten Flowers
By juxtaposing images as in an assemblage the film brings two characters together, a foreign man and a girl from a Germany's small village, that have...
The film tells the story of Faust who unites with the devil in search of ultimate wisdom. He realizes too late, that winning Gretchen's heart with...
Goethes Faust