This unofficial Czech remake of Alexander Payne's blockbuster seriocomedy Sideways (2004) concerns Jirka and Honza, two friends who check in as...
A love story which unfolds over three days and nights on the outskirts of the metropolis. Seventeen-year-old Ema (Dorota Nvotová) breaks up...
Marek lives alternately with two women. He tells them both that he works in another city for part of the week. In reality, he stays in the same and...
Double Trouble
When self-help guru Dr. Reinis (Jaroslav Dusek) led his students on a retreat to ponder the meaning of life, he had no intention of leading them all...
Choking Hazard
Kluci z hor
Fogi is enjoying his never ending puberty. But simultaneously Fogi is also trying to live up to his family duties and bring up Véna, his son...
Four Suns
Hospoda U bílé kočky